About to Embark on a Major Renovation? We Have Answered Some of the Most Frequently Asked Questions.
Renovating your home can be stressful and for many people there are a lot of unknowns associated with taking on a project regardless of the size. In order to make things easier on your end, we decided to answer some of the most frequently asked questions we get about renovating or remodeling.
My house needs so much work, how do I know where to start?
If this is you, it can definitely feel overwhelming. Our advice is to start on the outside and work your way in. Renovating a bathroom or remodeling a kitchen definitely seems like the choice that is a lot more fun, but its pointless to take on a project like this when your roof is leaking or you have foundation issues. Once the major structural aspects have been taken care of to protect the building itself, you can work your way inside. Once inside, our suggestion is to start with any areas that are causing you stress and go from there.
How do I choose a good contractor?
This is such an important part of any project going well! Some things to look out for are good communication and how openly they discuss the details of their work plan. It is so important that you are all on the same page in order to insure that you are getting what you are looking for. Feel free to ask questions too!
Another important aspect is finding out what their plan is to keep your living space clean. Taking on a renovation in your home is stressful enough as it is. The people you invite to work in your home should not add to that stress, but instead should respect your space by keeping it as clean as possible throughout the project.
The last and maybe the most important thing to look for is how comfortable they make you feel. Does the contractor listen when you are talking? Do they answer your questions patiently? Remember this person is going to be working closely with you for a period of time so make sure you get a long with them.
Our project is nearly finished, what should I be looking for on the home stretch?
Before you submit the final payment to your contractor, you should complete a walkthrough of the project to make sure everything has been finished the way you want. Things to look for are paint touchups, making sure everything has been caulked and sealed the way it should be, working plumbing and appliances and other final touches. If you see something you aren’t happy about let your contractor know so that they can get it fixed properly.
In the end, while taking on a project in your home is potentially stressful, it should also be something that is fun and exciting. Preparing the right way, having a good plan, and having the right person complete your project, whether its a full home remodel, a kitchen or bathroom renovation, or any other remodeling work you want to have done, can make for a really enjoyable experience!
What other questions do you have about renovation your home? Feel free to ask us in the comments below or send us an email at tiffany@houstonhrr.com.